
Due Diligence Made Simple


Why Small Property Development?

Developing property can be rewarding both financially and personally if it is done right. We choose small sites with low intial cost and essentially target the first home buyer’s market. If there is a slump in the property market this is the sector that gets least impacted due to demand. However, there are pitfalls and costly mistakes if the development is not planned, it can be incredibly stressful, costly and unrewarding.

What is required in a Property Developer?

To be a successful Property Developer you need to have the ambition and patience that the process requires. This is not a get rich quick scheme.

You need to educate yourself and have the right tools and strategy in place to avoid making the wrong decision. As a developer, you’re an investor committing your equity, expertise, knowledge and skills to convert a piece of land from its current use to a higher and better use.

What is the most important part of property development?

The most important part in any property development whether big or small is to carry out due diligence and feasibility analysis. This may initially sound time consuming and complicated but this is one exercise that you cannot skip and done properly eliminates majority of the risk as a property developer.
One of the reasons why we emphasise this the most in our website and tried to simplify the process to make it easier for majority of the people.

Should I pay for a professional consultant before doing my own due diligence?

NO. The whole purpose of our site is to stop people from spending thousands of dollars on consultants before doing their own due diligence. We recommend to perform an initial due diligence on a potential site that you may like and only if the development project looks viable then engage a professional consultant.

How do I do my own due diligence?

We have tried to simplify the initial screening process for a suitable development site. Register for our FREE Mebership and use the powerful tool to get an idea how you can benefit and perform your initial due diligence on a potential development opportunity.

Why do you need to perform a property development feasibility?

Once you find a potential development site to say build 5 townhouses as an example. You need to work out the total cost of development and what you will make after you sell each townhouse and see if you are making any money or what is your Return on Investment (ROI). If you are not making any money or the ROI that you will like to achieve then you may decide not to proceed.

Do I need to have previous knowledge to find a suitable development property?

You don’t need to be a complete expert to find a suitable property development site and do your own analysis. We found people spending lot of money on engaging professional consultants and later found the property site was not feasible to proceed with development. So we decided to provide our members with a simple but powerful tool that will help them to do their job easily without spending a lot of money.

How accurate is the tool you provide?

The tool has been tested several times to source accurate information. You are able to verify the data yourself by searching manually on ‘Google’. The feasibility report is a rough estimate. At the initial stage it is not possible to predict exact figures without engaging a professional, however, this tool allows you to build in contingency to manage any unforeseen expenses.

Why do you focus on Small Property Developments only?

We are not restricted to small developments only. Our primary aim is to help people who are starting off as a developer and do not want to start with a complex development site and take a lot of risk.

Is this property restricted to Australia?

Yes. The website and the tool we provide only works for Australia.

What benefit is it for me to register for FREE membership?

This is a FREE tool or service for limited customers only without any restrictions. You can always cancel your membership any time. This tool is only for serious investors who want to embark into property development. We want to bring together like minded people in this group who later on may want to start their own development projects together and achieve great return on investment.


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